HIV fee elimination scheme – The Regional Fund for Health Promotion, MoH
HIV fee elimination scheme: 148,000 in the 2 pilot regions; potential after scale-up to 10 regions: 540,000 beneficiaries
Overview on the ground
In 2013, Bamenda Ecclesiastical Provincial Health Assistance (BEPHA) Cameroon decided to customize IMIS, developed in Tanzania, to manage its insurance schemes in various dioceses. BEPHA Cameroon received IMIS and its complete source code for customization through a bilateral agreement, including a no-cost license, from the Swiss Development Cooperation. Swiss TPH has been supporting the system’s technical implementation by BEPHA including initial customization, system setup and user training. At present, only the web-based component of the system is in use but a pilot for the mobile phone component is expected to begin shortly.
Each of the five diocese-level schemes (across North West and South West regions) has teams that use the system for beneficiary enrollment and claims management. All data entry is currently done at the Diocesan office, and BEPHA agents are present at some health facilities to support client verification and claims processes.
More information on the project description can be found here .
Full Project scope
Health centers |
Bamenda Ecclesiastical Province Health Assistance (BEPHA): providing services through 140 hospitals HIV Fee Elimination: providing testing and treatment services from 3043 health facilities with 95 piloting the openIMIS |
Configuration |
Each scheme involves different products for different client groups (at least three per scheme), but there is a tendency to harmonize a single benefit package across all schemes (variations might still exist during the transition period). The harmonized benefit package covers:
System set-up: